VDI offers subharmonically-pumped mixers (SHM) and even-harmonic mixers (EHM) for a variety of applications between
50 GHz and 1700 GHz. These mixers use only planar and/or integrated diodes and provide state-of-the-art performance.
Subharmonic Mixers (SHM)
VDI SHMs ( LO = ½ RF frequency) have a waveguide LO input, are easy to use and ideally suited for mmWave & THz applications. These mixers can be used to up or down convert signals. The subharmonically-pumped mixers have a separate LO waveguide flange and typically exhibit > 100 dB isolation of the LO at the RF port.
Even Harmonic Mixers (EHM)
VDI EHMs are harmonic mixers that operate at an even harmonic multiple of the LO input. EHMs are shipped with an appropriate diplexer. Alternative harmonic mixing factors and customized diplexers are available upon request.
Fundamental Mixers (FM)
VDI offers Fundamental mixers (FMs) for frequency down-conversion. VDI FMs are single ended, meaning that the RF and LO signals are coupled to the mixer diode via the same waveguide flange. They offer excellent conversion loss performance. Higher frequency custom mixers may be available upon request.
Subharmonic Mixers (SHM)
VDI Part # |
RF (GHz) |
LO (GHz) |
Standard IF Option (GHz)
Extended IF Option (GHz)*
DSB Performance
Noise Temperature (K, typ.)† |
Conversion Loss (dB, typ.)† |
50 - 75 |
25 - 37.5 |
<10 |
<14 |
400 - 800 |
<7 |
60 - 90 |
30 - 45 |
<12 |
- |
400 - 800 |
<7 |
75 - 110 |
37.5 - 55 |
<15 |
<21 |
400 - 800 |
<7 |
WR8.0SHM |
90 - 140 |
45 - 70 |
<19 |
<26 |
400 - 800 |
<7 |
WR6.5SHM |
110 - 170 |
55 - 85 |
<24 |
<32 |
400 - 800 |
<7 |
140 - 220 |
70 - 110 |
<31 |
<40 |
500 - 1000 |
<7.5 |
WR4.3SHM |
170 - 260 |
85 - 130 |
<36 |
- |
600 - 1200 |
<8 |
WR3.4SHM |
220 - 330 |
110 - 165 |
<40 |
- |
700 - 1400 |
<8.5 |
WR2.8SHM |
260 - 400 |
130 - 200 |
<40 |
- |
800 - 1500 |
<9 |
330 - 500 |
165 - 250 |
<40 |
- |
1000 - 2000 |
<9.5 |
WR1.9SHM |
400 - 600 |
200 - 300 |
<40 |
- |
1200 - 2500 |
<10 |
WR1.5SHM |
500 - 750 |
250 - 375 |
<40 |
- |
2000 - 5000 |
<11 |
WR1.2SHM |
600 - 900 |
300 - 450 |
<40 |
- |
7500 - 15000 |
<15 |
WR1.0SHM |
750 - 1100 |
375 - 550 |
<40 |
- |
7500 - 15000 |
<20 |
WR0.8SHM |
900 - 1400 |
450 - 700 |
<40 |
- |
10000 - 20000 |
<20 |
†Performance specifications are typical with reduced performance at band edges.
*Extended IF SHMs may require ~1 dB more LO input power than Standard SHMs for optimal performance.
Note: Additional Extended IF SHMs under development. Contact VDI for more information.
Results were achieved with optimal LO input power.
Even Harmonic Mixers (EHM) |
VDI Part # |
RF (GHz) |
Maximum Available LO Frequency (GHz)* |
SSB Conversion Loss (dB)† |
Harmonic |
50 - 75 |
10 |
~20 - 25 |
12 |
60 - 90 |
12 |
~25 - 35 |
8 |
75 - 110 |
15 |
~20 - 25 |
12 |
WR8.0EHM |
90 - 140 |
19 |
~20 - 25 |
12 |
WR6.5EHM |
110 - 170 |
24 |
~23 - 28 |
12 |
140 - 220 |
31 |
~25 - 35 |
16 |
WR4.3EHM |
170 - 260 |
36 |
~25 - 35 |
16 |
WR3.4EHM |
220 - 330 |
40 |
~30 - 40 |
18 |
WR2.8EHM |
260 - 400 |
40 |
~30 - 40 |
20 |
WR2.2EHM |
330 - 500 |
40 |
~35 - 45 |
16 |
*LO input frequency can be calculated by dividing the RF Input Frequency by the
desired harmonic number. LO frequency cannot exceed Maximum Available LO
Frequency specification. Alternative harmonic mixing factors are available.
†SSB Conversion Loss assumes optimal RF and LO power coupled into EHM.
Conversion Loss specification is for specified harmonic factor listed above.
Fundamental Mixers (FM) |
VDI Part Number†† |
RF / LO Frequency (GHz) |
Maximum IF Frequency (GHz)* |
RF / LO Flange
DSB Performance
Conversion Loss (dB, typ.)** |
50 - 75 |
10 |
WR-15 UG-385/U |
8 |
60 - 90 |
12 |
WR-12 UG-387/U |
8 |
75 - 110 |
15 |
WR-10 UG-387/U-M |
8 |
WR8.0FM-XX |
90 - 140 |
19 |
WR-8.0 UG-387/U-M |
8 |
WR6.5FM-XX |
110 - 170 |
24 |
WR-6.5 UG-387/U-M |
8 |
140 - 220 |
31 |
WR-5.1 UG-387/U-M |
9 |
WR4.3FM-XX |
170 - 260 |
36 |
WR-4.3 UG-387/U-M |
9 |
WR3.4FM-XX |
220 - 330 |
40 |
WR-3.4 UG-387/U-M |
10 |
WR2.8FM-XX |
260 - 400 |
40 |
WR-2.8 UG-387/U-M |
10 |
330 - 500 |
40 |
WR-2.2 UG-387/U-M |
11 |
WR1.9FM-XX |
400 - 600 |
40 |
WR-1.9 UG-387/U-M |
11 |
WR1.5FM-XX |
500 - 750 |
40 |
WR-1.5 UG-387/U-M |
15 |
WR1.2FM-XX |
600 - 900 |
40 |
WR-1.2 UG-387/U-M |
20 |
WR1.0FM-XX |
750 - 1100 |
40 |
WR-1.0 UG-387/U-M |
20 |
WR0.8FM-XX |
900 - 1400 |
40 |
~25dBi Diagonal Horn |
20 |
WR0.65FM-XX |
1100 - 1700 |
40 |
WM-164 UG-387/U-M |
20 |
WR0.34FM-XX |
2300 - 3200 |
40 |
~25dBi Diagonal Horn |
25 |
*IF bandwidth may be limited by external components, such as the bias-tee and amplifier.
**VDI does not test conversion loss. For mixers up to WR-1.0 and including WR0.65, VDI provides responsivity (monitor voltage / RF input power) data for each unit. For higher frequency FMs (WR0.8 and WR0.34), only I-V test and visual inspection will be completed prior
to shipment. Additional testing may be available upon request at additional cost. Contact VDI for more information.
††XX is 06, 20 or 40, depending on the configuration. The 06, 20 and 40 options include a 6, 20 or 40 GHz Bias-Tee and Amplifier respectively, attached external to the FM housing. Contact VDI for costs to upgrade to 20 GHz or 40 GHz options.
IQ Mixer
VDI offers a ~118 - 155 GHz Subhharmonically Pumped IQ mixer with low conversion loss and high IF bandwidth. By adding an IF 90 degree hybrid, the mixer can be used as an image reject mixer or a single sideband up-converter.

VDI WR6.5IQSHM IQ Subharmonically Pumped Mixer |
Parameter |
Specification |
RF Port |
~118 - 155 GHz [WR-6.5 UG-387/U-M] |
LO Input |
~59 - 77 GHz [WR-13 UG-387/U-M] |
IF Port |
DC - 24 GHz [2.9mm(f)] |
LO Power (Optimal / Damage) |
+12 to +16 dBm / +18 dBm |
RF Input Power (~P0.1dB / Damage) |
-11 dBm / +6 dBm |
Typical Conversion Loss
~14 dB (SSB) I and Q* |
*Includes loss of RF Hybrid
Contact VDI for more information on the WR6.5IQSHM or for other IQ Mixer solutions. Custom IQ Mixer solutions may be available upon request.